About Eversight

Hey there, I’m Adam Collins. Since 2015, I’ve helped people clarify their financial lives and save a ton of money on investment fees. Eversight manages $75 million for 35 clients in 13 states. My clients are people who:
- Care about the true cost of financial advice. I charge a flat $5,000 per year. This saves someone with $3 million $25,000 per year compared to a regular advisor charging 1.0% of an account.
- Understand the evidence supporting diversification. The long-term data is clear: buying the whole haystack (a diversified fund) is more likely to outperform picking needles in the haystack (picking stocks).
- Value frequent communication. I meet with most clients every two months. This cadence provides continuous guidance for financial planning questions and keeps portfolios aligned with their goals.
Here’s my life in a nutshell:
- 30 years old and living in Jackson, Mississippi.
- Graduated from The University of Mississippi with a BA in finance.
- Married to an awesome orthopedic surgery PA.
Two other things to know about me are my commitment to charitable giving and my long-term plan to stay a solo advisor.
Effective Giving
Eversight donates 5% of profits to high-impact charities. Giving decisions are based on evidence because where and how you give really matters.
For example, someone could buy and train a guide dog for $40,000. Or they could spend the same amount to cure 400 children of blindness. Both are generous acts, but the second is more cost-effective. Eversight’s giving is split between one short-term and one long-term cause:
- The Against Malaria Foundation distributes mosquito nets to reduce premature deaths from malaria. Each net costs $5, and research shows approximately one life is saved for each $4,500 spent on nets.
- The Eden Reforestation Project restores forests and helps mitigate climate change. It costs around $0.15 to plant one tree, and a mature tree can remove around 48 tons of carbon dioxide per year.
Eversight is public with its giving because it’s important to spread info about effective charities. As an American born in the 20th century, I won the genetic lottery and will not waste the opportunity to help others.
Solo Advisor
Working as a solo advisor is personally fulfilling and financially comfortable, so I have zero desire to hire employees or expand the company. The advantage of this for clients is they always directly work with me.
The biggest challenge of being solo is that it limits the size of my client base. Over the years, I’ve tracked how much time I spend with the average person, so I know I can realistically work with an additional 10 clients as of June 2022.
“We’re not your typical firm” is something often seen on about pages of investment companies. I hope the flat fee and focus on staying lean show you that Eversight is truly unique.